Adapting to Evolve:

Advocacy & Accessibility for 2SLGBTQ+ Elders

Through the support of daily living tasks, which are an intricate part of every person's everyday lives, we seek to support the building of a bridge between caregivers and 2SLGBTQ+ elders.

Conversations with two of our community members show us the ways caregivers can best build respectful relationships and collaborate with elders needing their support. The creation of meaningful adaptations to these tasks, such as personal hygiene, nutrition, dressing, toileting, and use of gender affirmative items in care work are uplifted through our elders' advocacy.

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  • How to sign up - Enter your name and email address, then create your own password and check the terms and conditions. Press "start my quest".
  • Then the paywall will pop up. Choose the correct payment plan depending on if you want access to 1 or all 3 courses. If you are a non-profit, remember to add your coupon code.
  • If you are a non-profit: please reach out to us at to get your coupon code for your discount. 
  • It is a good idea to bookmark and pin the page - then you don't have to keep logging in. 

Welcome to the Culture of Care Series! We're so glad you're here. This training, brought to you by Openhouse's Training and Transformation team, aims to enhance our understanding, empathy, and respect for diverse experiences and identities within the LGBTQ+ community. At Openhouse, we're passionate about supporting LGBTQ seniors in the San Francisco Bay Area by providing affordable housing, social services, and community programs to help meet their needs.

  • 3 Levels
  • Coaching By Culture of Care
  • Community Support

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