在長輩的指導下,我們探索從 1940 年代至今的政治認同和民權運動如何塑造了2SLGBTQ+ 社區經歷。主題包括性別二元論和西方殖民主義的關係、吉姆·克勞法(Jim Crow laws) 和後來廢除種族隔離的努力、以及殘疾人權益運動。課程還包括當代運動,例如「黑人的命也是命」(Black Lives Matter)、失蹤和被謀殺的原住民婦女、雙靈、反移民主義和海關執法局 (ICE) 拘留。透過這段集體歷史,我們會看到過去是如何與此刻老年人的經驗和照護需求相連。
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Welcome to the Culture of Care Series! We're so glad you're here. This training, brought to you by Openhouse's Training and Transformation team, aims to enhance our understanding, empathy, and respect for diverse experiences and identities within the LGBTQ+ community. At Openhouse, we're passionate about supporting LGBTQ seniors in the San Francisco Bay Area by providing affordable housing, social services, and community programs to help meet their needs.
- 8 Levels
- Coaching By Culture of Care
- Community Support